IDACS - ID & Data Collection for Sustainable fuels in Europe

The IDACS (ID & Data Collection for Sustainable Fuels in Europe) project’s aim is to build up a unified database and coordinated data transfer of alternative fuel infrastructure filling points in line with the European Commission's requirements and to develop a joint proposal for a system for the unique identification of electromobility actors.
The Hungarian beneficiary of the international project is the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, IFKA Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. And Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
The format of the unique ID identification code of the electromobility actors can be accessed by clicking HERE.

The IDACS (ID & Data Collection for Sustainable Fuels in Europe) project’s aim is to build up a unified database and coordinated data transfer of alternative fuel infrastructure filling points in line with the European Commission's requirements and to develop a joint proposal for a system for the unique identification of electromobility actors.
The Hungarian beneficiary of the international project is the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, IFKA Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. And Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
The format of the unique ID identification code of the electromobility actors can be accessed by clicking HERE.